Maleic anhydride

IUPAC name: 2,5-furandione
Maleic anhydride molecular structure


We offer from our stock 775 kg maleic anhydride at a special price of 450 EUR (0.58 EUR/kg)

General description

Chemical formula: C4H2O3
Molar mass: 98.1 g/mol
CAS number: 108-31-6
EC number: 203-571-6
PubChem: 7923
ChemSpider: 7635
UNII: V5877ZJZ25
Used for synthesis of poliester resins, oilfield chemicals, other chemicals.

Quality certificate

Maleic anhydride bag Maleic anhydride batch
Property value unit of measure
Appearance White, cristalline
Purity 99.88 % (m/m)
Colour 20 HAZEN (60°C)
Iron content 0.1 ppm
Ash content 0.0010 % (m/m)
Maleic acid content 0.17 % (m/m)
Solidification point 52.5 °C

Information regarding delivery

UN 2215
ADR 8.C3
Packaging group: III
Not hazardous for the environment
Kemler No.: 80
Tunnel restriction code: E

Other information

Customs tariff Nr.: 2816100000
Article number: 90431015 (25 kg/bag)
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