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X-SMART is an entry level fully automatic sequential paint dispenser developed for small and mid size sales points, where there is only a tiny space available for the dispenser. It operates with the well known and reliable Fast&Fluid 1 fluid ounce piston pumps. The canisters are automatically stirred. The dispenser can be ordered with 16 pieces of 2.25 litres plastic canisters. The dispenser is equipped with manually opereated can table. The nozzles are cleaned with a patented brush system. Size is only 83x83x120 cm. It is assembled from modules therefore it is easy and cheap to do the maintanance. Its design simplicity allows for self-assembly within a few minutes and serviceability is greatly enhanced through its click-on/click-off canister and MDU module.
X-PROTINT computer controlled, automatic, sequential paint dispenser developed for small and mid size sales points, where there is only a tiny space available for the dispenser. The flat lid of the dispenser allow to use it as a working table. The robust, steel-armoured construction keeps cables and electronics safe, protecting the machine against dust, power spikes, rodents and even flooding up to 40 cm. It operates with the well known and reliable Fast&Fluid 43 ml piston pumps. X-PROTINT has 16 polymeric canisters, 12 x 2,3 litres and 4 x 4,6 litres size. The nozzles are cleaned with a patented brush system. Size is only 82x87x123 cm. It is assembled from modules therefore it is easy and cheap to do the maintanance and thus provide a low total cost of ownership.
Harbil 180
Harbil 180 is a new generation automatic dispenser ideal solution for small to medium-sized locations. A true Harbil that’s more compact without any compromises on canister sizes and flexibility, can height and speed. The improved dispense speed, ZeroPurge™ piston pump and Auto Drive™ technology ensure future-proof efficiency. It is suitable for critical, zero VOC waterborne, solvent-based and aromatic colorant systems. Equipped with Harbil® ZeroPurge™ piston pumps that autonomously flushing the complete pump/canister channel. Pumps are driven with AutoDrive™ technology that assures the maximum pump speed at any circumstances. The standard 40 ml pump dosing speed is 0.5 litre/min and its minimum drop size is 0.05 ml that provides quick dosing with high accuracy at the same time.
Harbil 480
Harbil 480 is the new standard in tinting. It is the ideal solution for DIY, medium-sized retail or service centres. The improved dispense speed, ZeroPurge™ piston pump and Auto Drive™ technology ensure future-proof efficiency and reliability for your business operation. HA480 stands for high quality, precision and reliability. It is suitable for critical, zero VOC waterborne, solvent-based and aromatic colorant systems. The standard 100 ml pump dosing speed is 1 litre/min and its minimum drop size is 0,077 ml that provides quick dosing with high accuracy at the same time. The machine is equipped with 16 to 32 (36 pump positions) from 2 to 10 litres polymeric or stainless steel canisters and an electric can table, automatic brush as standard. The dispenser is available in different heights for optimal ergonomics.
Harbil 680
Harbil 680 professional level new generation, high volume paint dispenser, ideal for large retail outlets and service centers. The improved dispense speed, ZeroPurge™ piston pump and Auto Drive™ technology ensure future-proof efficiency and reliability for your business operation. HA680 stands for high quality, precision and reliability. It is suitable for critical, zero VOC waterborne, solvent-based and aromatic colorant systems. The dosing speed is upto 2 litre/min and its minimum drop size can be as low as 0,04 ml that provides quick dosing with high accuracy at the same time. The machine is equipped with 16 to 36 from 2 to 20 litres polymeric or stainless steel canisters, electric can table, automatic brush as standard. The dispenser is available in different heights for optimal ergonomics.
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